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The Third Option: Summer Semester (Week 5)...Control Issues

Daniel Sachs

What are the odds?

Since we lead a marriage ministry, Rachel and I look at different studies regarding the impact of marriage and divorce on children, finances, work, health and so forth. Some of the facts, numbers and odds are very sobering, heartbreaking and even disturbing.

Jesus did not give us exact statistics, but He also spoke sobering words about "many" and "few": "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." Mt. 7:13, 14.

So, what's the good news in this...? There IS a narrow road and I can choose to be on it. On the narrow road, I have the full redemptive power of Jesus' blood and all of God's promises on my side. That sounds really good, no matter the cost on my part!

On the narrow road, my childhood does not determine the final outcome of my life. My past choices do not determine the final outcome of my life. What others do and say does not determine the final outcome of my life. My spouse does not determine the final outcome of my life. Statistics don't determine the final outcome of my life.

Jesus saves, heals and redeems against all odds!

At The Marriage School we get to hear testimony after testimony confirming just that!



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