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  • Writer's pictureBrittany Ungermann

Celebrate Today, Together (January-February)

Starting off the new year on the right foot- full of hopeful expectation and intention.

Let's be honest, how many "New Years Resolutions" have fallen by the wayside already? Now you can use the tools and resources from The Marriage School and this month's Celebrate Today, Together calendar to build momentum in the right direction. Here are a few simple ways in which you can, perhaps daily, to celebrate everyday. Hopefully finding the joy in the simplicity can help spark something more for you both.

"Celebrate Today, Together (January-February)" calendar compiled by TMS volunteer, Sarah Shake






International Hot and Spicy Food Day

Enjoy something hot and spicy today.

Appreciate a Dragon Day

Do you have a favorite story or movie that involves a dragon? Share that with your spouse.


Ben Franklin Day

Learn something new about Ben Franklin today.

Kid Inventors' Day

Think like a kid. "I wish I could invent something that would......"


Winnie the Pooh Day

Which Winnie the Pooh character is your favorite? Why? Share that with your spouse.

Thesaurus Day

Find a better way to say that, by discovering a "richer" word in the Thesaurus.


National Popcorn Day

Enjoy some popcorn and perhaps a movie this evening.

New Friends Day

Strike up a conversation with a stranger today.


Take a Walk Outdoors Day

The fresh air will do you some good. And if it's really cold you will have already accomplished the second celebration.

Penguin Awareness Day

After that walk outside, watch a short video about the penguin.


National Sanctity of Human Life Day

Pray for ministries and organizations that protect life.

Squirrel Appreciation Day

Spend some time together watching the squirrels.


National Polka Dot Day

Find something with polka dots on it and wear it today.

Better Business Communication Day

The aim is to help companies get on a path to implementing solid communication practices. Seems like a great day to try that at home, too. Try an "I" statement and some reflective listening today.


Speak up and Succeed Day

Keep communicating with your spouse.

National Handwriting Day

Leave your spouse a handwritten note letting them know you think they're special.


National "Just Do It" Day

Quit procrastinating and get it done! Share the accomplishment with your spouse and celebrate. Need some help? Ask your spouse to help you complete the task.

National Peanut Butter Day

Make lunch easy - peanut butter sandwiches or make a special dessert treat with peanut butter.


National Opposite Day

Today is for doing the opposite of what is usually done. dessert first.

Fluoride Day

Did you get Fluoride treatment when you went to the dentist as a child? What was your favorite flavor? Share your fluoride experiences with your spouse.


Spouse's Day

Spend time with your spouse this evening. Perhaps dinner and homework..

National Peanut Brittle Day

Make some peanut brittle.


National Chocolate Cake Day

Enjoy a piece of chocolate cake together today.

Local Quilt Shop Day

If you have a quilter in your family, enter "their world" for a day by taking them to the quilt shop. If not, do you have an heirloom quilt that you can talk about?


National Kazoo Day

Purchase a kazoo at the dollar store and have some fun.

National Blueberry Pancake Day

Make Blueberry pancakes together today.


National Puzzle Day

Solve a puzzle together - whether it be a jigsaw puzzle, a paper and pencil puzzle or an unresolved issue in your marriage.

National Carnation Day

Bring a carnation home to your spouse.


National Plan for Vacation Day

Start talking about your next vacation.

National Escape Day

Ask your spouse where their perfect place of escape is / would be.


National Hot Chocolate Day

Enjoy a cup of hot chocolate together.

Inspire Your Heart with Art Day

Visit an art museum today.







National Get Up Day

You are not defeated! It is not hopeless! Pray for help, strength, will... and get up and try again.

National Sweater Day

Wear your favorite sweater today.


Groundhog Day

Whether the groundhog sees his shadow or not, today would be a good day to ask your spouse to complete this statement, "I can't wait for spring because...."

National Wear Red Day

A day to bring awareness to heart health. Wear red, but also, spend some time with your spouse to talk about the emotional state of your heart.


Ice Cream for Breakfast Day

What a fun way to start the day! (If you think this is a bad way to start the day, at least entertain the thought for a moment and share with your spouse what flavor you would choose if you were going to have ice cream for breakfast.)

Doggie Date Night

Do something special with your dog this evening.


Share memories of dogs from your past.


National Homemade Soup Day

Make soup together.

National Thank a Mailman Day

Leave a note for your mailman in the mailbox today.


Disaster Day

A day to remember some of the great disasters of history, in part to stop them from happening again. Which of your marriage "disasters" would benefit from a review in order to prevent a recurrence or to celebrate a victory?

National Weatherperson's Day

Learn something new today about weather.


National Frozen Yogurt Day

Enjoy some frozen yogurt together.

Pay - a - Compliment Day

Make an effort to pay a compliment to all those you come in contact with today.


Send a Card to a Friend Day

Well, that should make them smile!

National Fettuccine Alfredo Day

So, enjoy some Fettuccine Alfredo.


Giving Hearts Day

A 24 hour fundraising event that began in North Dakota and NW Minnesota. Why not extend it to the midwest? Support your favorite non profit today financially, with a word of encouragement, or an act of service.

Laugh and Get Rich Day

Share a good story or a good joke and enjoy laughing together. Laughing does "rich" things for your body - elevates mood, lowers stress and blood pressure and strengthens the immune system.


Pizza Pie Day

Enjoy a pizza together.

Chocolate Day

Enjoy a chocolate treat with your spouse.


International Cribbage Day

Play a game of Cribbage with your spouse.

National Flannel Day

Wear flannel today.


Grandmother Achievement Day

Share stories of your grandmas and what they taught you. If they are still alive, call them, send or card or spend some time with them.

World Marriage Day

Celebrate the two of you. You decide how.


Hug Day

What a great way to get your spouse's day off to a good start.

Lost Penny Day

Don't pass by that dropped penny. Pick it up. And then ponder, what other seemingly insignificant thing needs my attention and should not be passed by.


Get a Different Name Day

Did you ever wish you had a different name? Share that with your spouse.

Dream Your Sweet Day

Think about all the great things your spouse means to you.


Valentine's Day

Plan a special evening with your spouse.



National Hippo Day

Learn something about the Hippo today.

National Gumdrop Day

Share a bag of gumdrops together.


Do a Grouch a Favor Today

Give someone having a "less than stellar" day the benefit of the doubt. Treat them kindly and offer a blessing despite their behavior.

National Innovation Day

Examine something in your home and see if you can find a new use for it or can use it to improve the way you do something.


Random Acts of Kindness Day

Perform a random act of kindness for someone and share that experience with your spouse. Better yet, plan and implement this act together.

Who Shall I Be Day

You get to decide. Actually, a choice you make everyday. Today, begin by reviewing your Third Option book. What area of your street will you work on today, to be a better you today than yesterday?

Downloadable PDF:

We would love for you to share the ways in which you celebrate today! When you participate or are inspired by one of the suggestions on our calendar, take a quick picture and share it with us so that we can celebrate alongside you!

Twitter: @TMS_Cincy

Pinterest: @TMS_Cincy

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