A place to equip our members with resources and tools to be able to intentionally spread the mission and materials of The Marriage School, so that we can help even more couples and families!

Become an Ambassador
Are you passionate about supporting the work of The Marriage School in preserving the relationships of couples and families? Apply to become an Ambassador to secure the resources and materials to spread the mission of The Marriage School's ministry. Each Ambassador will receive an "Ambassador Box" containing everything from business cards, to informational flyers, brochures and even a few bumper magnets.
Apply to be an ambassador and request your box today!
Access Digital Materials
In today's digital age, we know messages have power to spread quickly, further and wider when available in a digital format. Additional resources to digital marketing materials such as informational powerpoints, flyers, social posts, etc. can be accessed and downloaded instantly below.

Follow The Marriage School on Social Media:

Spread the Word
The Marriage School is serious about cultivating a caring community. The heart of our ministry is to include anyone and everyone who might benefit from being a part of such a community- friends, family, pastors, local businesses and care centers- EVERYONE! We believe that the best way for our message and ministry to spread is through you. We ask that you prayerfully consider talking about and sharing The Marriage School amongst all of the various networks of people you find yourself within.
Suggestions for Success
Representing The Marriage School and spreading awareness of the programs our ministry offers is such a valuable role. We want to support you the best ways we can to feel comfortable in this position. Below are a few suggestions to keep in mind that are aimed at being helpful in getting you started. Additionally, feel free to reach out to us at any time (admin@themarriageschool.net) if you have any questions, comments and/or concerns.

Tri-fold Brochures
Give a bundle to your church's community groups and/or pastoral care team.
Use as a talking point and information source when prompted.
Business Cards + Holder
Keep handy to share with a co-worker, friend or stranger who might benefit from a quick contact point.
Place a few on the counter at a store, business or in a public restroom to catch the public's eye.
Share within couples, parent and family groups.
A quick and easy way to pass along information.
Pin to community boards at local businesses/services/churches/etc.
Place on boards at public parks and childcare services.
Bumper Magnets
Yes, even cars can represent The Marriage School!
Yard Signs
Place in green spaces, on posts, in front lawns*
*Visit https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-administrative-code/chapter-5501:2-2 to view public and private land restrictions prior to placing signs outside of personal lawns.​